

呆西 留学杂志 2022-06-17



In order to balance both teaching and anti epidemic, students in British schools conduct rapid tests twice a week. Once the test is positive, the student and those close contacts will be quarantined at home, also the PCR nucleic acid test will be conducted again.

Data showed that about one third of the rapid tests which showed positive results were negative when compared with more accurate PCR nucleic acid tests. The proportion rose to 60% in March, and there were 379 of 624 positive tests were found to be wrong. Recent analysis by NHS test and Trace system shows that the error of rapid test is at least 0.1%. This indicates that for every 1000 quick tests, there will be at least one false positive result.

False positives will not only cause chaos in schools, but also make it more difficult to track the epidemic

Therefore, 23 British scholars wrote to Gavin Williamson, the Education Secretary, warning him of the negative impact of the test on education. Professor Sir Andrew Pollard, who leads the Oxford vaccine program, said the daily tests conducted by schools could cause educational disruption and should be cancelled. It's better to vaccinate them than to test them regularly.

Sir Andrew Pollard also told The Daily Telegraph that if infection is detected in daily tests, students and teachers and those in close contact must be quarantined from classes. Children are generally asymptomatic even if they are infected, and the test is clearly not designed to protect them. Vaccinating them is more to prevent them from being quarantined and affecting their studies.

However, Sir Andrew Pollard clarified on June 22 that he did not call for the vaccination of children in the UK. Priority should be given to those with severe basic diseases in vulnerable countries. A spokesman for the Ministry of Education said they are conducting an experiment in 200 schools to replace home quarantine with daily tests, and will review the experimental data at the end of this month to assess its feasibility.

UK government will vaccinate young people aged 16 to 17 in August

In June 23, The Sun revealed that teenagers aged 16 to 17 will have the chance to get vaccinated before they return to school in September. Ministers need support from the scientific and medical communities to vaccinate groups of children, and it has been revealed that the results will be announced in a few weeks.

The recent announcement of the decision to postpone the lifting of the closure has put pressure on the Downing Street. The British government needs to solve the problem of unsealing as soon as possible. Recent data show that children and young people are the main groups of infection at present. With the full expansion of the vaccine to adults over the age of 18, the expansion of vaccination to children is an important part of all unsealing. 

To prepare for the start of school in September, the government plans to provide high school students aged 16 to 17 with vaccination in August at the earliest. 

But it needs the support of the scientific and medical communities. 

In recent days, the government has seen encouraging results in the tracking of data on vaccination of young people over the age of 18. According to The Sun, the UK has enough Pfizer and modern to vaccinate teenagers by August. But more data need to be collected on vaccination programs for adolescents aged 12-16.



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